How to create a LinkedIn company page in 2024: the complete guide

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Prerequisites to create a LinkedIn company page

Before you start creating your LinkedIn company page, make sure you meet the following requirements:

Have had a personal LinkedIn profile for more than 7 days:

To create a company page, you need to have an individual LinkedIn account that has been active for at least one week. If not, take the time to create your profile and complete it before going any further.

Being connected to multiple relationships:

The LinkedIn algorithm gives more visibility to dynamic profiles and pages. So before creating your business page, make sure you have a few dozen relevant relationships in your network.

Have a position in the company entered on your profile :

To prove that you are authorized to create a page on behalf of your company, you must have entered your current position within your company in the Experience section of your personal profile. You will automatically become an administrator of the page once it is created.

Use a professional email address: 

You must use an email address associated with your company's domain name (for example to finalize the creation of your page. Generic addresses such as Gmail or Hotmail are not allowed.

(This step is not mandatory, you can very well create a page without this step but for credibility and your authority, it is preferable).

Once all these requirements have been met, you can move on to creating your LinkedIn company page by following the steps detailed in the next part.

Steps to create a LinkedIn company page

Now that you have verified that you meet all the requirements, it's time to create your LinkedIn company page. Here's how to do it, step by step:

1. Log in to your personal LinkedIn account

and click on the “For Businesses” icon represented by a square of small dots at the top right of your screen. From the dropdown menu that appears, select “Create a business page.”

2. Choose the type of page you want to create

among the 3 options proposed:

- Company page, which represents your company as a whole

- Showcase page, ideal for highlighting a specific brand, activity or initiative

- Higher education institution page, reserved for training organizations

3. Fill in all the information about your business:

- Company name

- Page URL (choose a short and easy to remember URL)

- Sector of activity

- Company size (in number of employees)

- Business type

4. Check the box certifying that you are authorized to create a page

on behalf of your business. This means that you agree to abide by the terms of use of LinkedIn pages.

5. Click on the “Create page” button

And that's it, your LinkedIn company page is created! You can now customize and optimize it by following the best practices detailed in the next section.

Creating a LinkedIn company page is therefore within everyone's reach.

In a few clicks and a few minutes, you can lay the foundations for your presence on the professional social network. The next step is to optimize the content and information on your page to make it attractive and effective.

Optimizing your LinkedIn company page

Creating a LinkedIn company page is an important first step, but for it to be truly effective, it is essential to optimize it. Here are some best practices to put in place:

- Add a quality logo and banner: These are the first visual elements that visitors to your page will see. Choose professional images that are consistent with your graphic charter and adapted to the formats recommended by LinkedIn.

- Write a complete description of your business : present your activity, your values, your mission... The description should be clear, concise, and eager to know more. Also, include some relevant keywords to optimize your SEO.

- Tell us about your products and services : this section allows you to highlight your offer in detail. Add visuals, descriptions, links to dedicated pages, demonstration videos... Don't be afraid to ask your customers to leave recommendations.

- Add your contact details and useful links : enter the address of your website, your pages on other social networks, your physical and telephone coordinates... Make it easy to get in touch with your business.

- Define multiple page administrators: to effectively manage a company page, it is recommended to have at least 2 administrators. Be sure to clearly define the roles of each person: administrator, content editor, analyst...

By applying these few tips, you will make your LinkedIn company page attractive, credible and conducive to engagement. All you have to do is keep it alive over time by regularly publishing relevant and varied content.

Animate your LinkedIn company page

An optimized LinkedIn company page is good. But a page that is regularly updated with quality content is even better! Here are some best practices for engaging your community over time.

- Publish varied content on a regular basis: share the latest news about your company, blog articles, job offers, photos and videos of your teams or events... Alternate formats to capture the attention of your audience. Prioritize quality over quantity and establish an editorial calendar to organize yourself.

- Interact with your community: don't leave comments and private messages unanswered. Show that you are listening by providing relevant answers and starting the conversation again. Also like, comment, and share posts that mention your business.

- Sponsor some publications: If you have an important message to send or an offer to promote, do not hesitate to sponsor your publications. You will thus be able to reach a larger and targeted audience, beyond your subscribers. Set a budget and a duration for your sponsored campaign and analyze the results obtained.

- Analyze the statistics of your page: LinkedIn provides page administrators with a lot of data on the performance of publications (reach, engagement, audience demographics...). Review these stats regularly to see what works best and adjust your content strategy accordingly.

By being active and attentive on your LinkedIn company page, you will develop a real close relationship with your community. You will position your company as an expert and at the forefront of its sector of activity.

Use your LinkedIn company page to prospect

Your LinkedIn company page is not only a window, it is also a great tool for identifying prospects and generating qualified leads. Here are some techniques for effective prospecting from your page.

- Study your audience statistics: in the Analytics tab of your page, you will find a lot of information about the people who follow and interact with your page: their function, their sector of activity, their location... You will thus be able to identify relevant prospect profiles.

- Publish expert content: by regularly sharing high added value content related to your core business (white papers, case studies, tutorials, etc.), you will attract qualified visitors to your page. Feel free to add calls-to-actions to convert them into leads.

- Create a careers page: The Careers section of your page allows you to publish job offers but also to present your corporate culture. It is an excellent way to attract talent but also prospects looking for a new position or a company to collaborate with.

- Join LinkedIn groups: by participating in LinkedIn groups linked to your sector of activity, you will gain visibility with an ultra-targeted audience. Share the content on your business page when it's relevant and add value to discussions to position yourself as an expert.

- Analyze your competitors: by studying the business pages of your competitors, you can identify their winning tactics and be inspired by them. Look at the type of content that generates the most engagement, the offers put forward, the calls to action... You will thus be able to refine your prospecting strategy.

With an optimized and regularly updated LinkedIn company page, you have a real hub for attracting qualified prospects and converting them into leads and then into customers. The key is to offer value-added content and offers that are relevant to your target audience.

Mistakes to avoid on your LinkedIn company page

Now that you know all the best practices for creating and maintaining an effective LinkedIn company page, here is a summary of the mistakes you should not make:

- Do not fill out all the information on the page: An incomplete page with very little information does not inspire confidence and gives a bad image of the company. Take the time to fill in all fields and fields, even the most basic ones such as contact information or industry.

- Post too infrequently: There is nothing worse than an abandoned business page, which was last published several months ago. To keep your audience engaged, post content at least once a week.

- Do not interact with your community: your business page is not a one-way communication channel. Take time to respond to comments, private messages, and mentions of your business. Also like, comment, and share relevant content posted by your audience.

- Promoting too much : if you only talk about your products and services without providing real added value, your audience may quickly get tired of it. The key is finding the right balance between informational and promotional content.

- Ignore page stats: LinkedIn provides you with valuable data on the performance of your page and posts. Don't miss out on these insights that will allow you to adjust your content and prospecting strategy.

By keeping these mistakes in mind, you will be in a position to create and develop a LinkedIn company page that achieves its goals, while effectively promoting your employer brand.

Conclusion: Creating a LinkedIn company page is essential

As you have understood, creating a LinkedIn company page is both simple and essential for any company, regardless of its size or sector of activity. By following the various steps and best practices detailed in this article, you have all the keys to develop your presence and your reputation on the world's leading professional social network.

To sum up, an effective LinkedIn company page should be comprehensive, active, and interactive. It should reflect your expertise and values while meeting the needs of your target audience. Well used, it is a great tool for developing your employer brand, prospecting new customers and recruiting the best talent.

So, what are you waiting for to create or optimize your LinkedIn company page right now?

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