Find out how Milenia opened up to a new market


Milenia is the Swiss reference in the granting of loans.

Thanks to its partnerships with the largest banks in Switzerland, the company offers excellent rates with a quick and transparent response to any request.

Identify a new growth axis.

Milenia has become a leader in its field by placing innovation at the heart of its strategy.

In this same approach, the company is looking for new strategic areas to develop its business.

She then identified the exploration of the B2B market, through the development of a network of partners, as a new growth opportunity.

The results obtained

1 month

4 Automatically generated appointments

1 Partnership

I am interested

Building a Partner Network with Hublead

Exploring a new market is good... but it's time consuming and expensive! This is where Hublead comes in to allow Milenia to complete her project simply and quickly. At this stage, Milenia had not yet explored new markets due to a lack of dedicated resources. Hublead therefore convinced by responding to the need to develop a new market in the following way:
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Identification and selection of qualified contacts

Personalized Prospecting Strategy

All Prospecting in a Single Solution


A New Market for Milenia

Once the contacts of potential partners were identified, we allowed Milenia to connect with these people on various channels (E-mail and LinkedIn) automatically.

Thanks to the ultra-personalized messages, the results obtained speak for themselves and allowed Milenia to explore a new partnership strategy quickly, simply and with a reasonable budget.

The Hublead method
Creation of a Targeted Prospecting Base
Automating an omnichannel prospecting campaign
Delivery of prospects with interaction statuses
Jérémie Monney

Hublead has something different from the usual lead generators with its personalized and relevant solution. At Milenia, we sincerely believe that we can develop our business with this solution.

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